Tag: vote

Want to make someone lose their clothes online?

Vote-Off Event 2Four brave (or mad!) volunteers have committed to letting members of the public strip them completely naked online. There’s no backing out and whether they are still wearing any clothes at all at the end of this event is entirely down to the public viewing them.

They have no control over the situation whatsoever from now on. Any participant getting the most votes in a round will lose an item of clothing and have the photo posted online. Rounds last 24 hours so any of these brave souls could end up stripped completely naked for all to see in just a few days.

You can buy 3 votes for just 1 Ko-Fi, so a tiny amount of money could leave someone totally naked. How embarrassing would that be for them?

See more here.


Brave enough to let people vote off your clothes?

Vote Me NakedAre you brave enough to let the community vote off your clothes??


The NakedExperiment.com community is running another “Vote Off Their Clothes Challenge”. It’s a fun competition that entertains community members, attracts new members to the community and is a bit of daring fun for those who are brave enough to let everyone vote their clothes off.

The idea is simple: Between 4 and 6 brave volunteers are posted in a gallery and everyone gets 24 hours to vote for whoever they want to lose an item of clothing. At the end of 24 hours, the participant with the most votes loses an item of clothing and the next round begins. Everyone who didn’t lose the previous round, keeps their votes, the winner’s votes are reset to zero. Then the voting begins again!

The challenge isn’t over until at least one participant is stripped COMPLETELY naked!


If you are daring enough to risk losing all your clothes in our community site, further instructions are available here.